NH High School Equivalency Prep Classes & Testing (HiSET)

Cost: Free
Day Classes meet on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Evening Classes meet Monday and Thursday, 6:30-9:00 p.m.
Where: All classes are held at the Tuck Learning Campus, Entrance D, 30 Linden Street, Exeter, NH
New STUDENTS : Winter/Spring 2025 SESSION will begin on Monday, January 13, 2025. Call the office at 603-775-8457 or email us at exeteradulted@sau16.org the first week of January to set up a time to register for class.
FREE Academic Skills CLASSES Day Classes : Classes meet on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Evening Classes: Classes meet Monday & Thursday, 6:30-9:00 p.m.
Enrollment is ongoing throughout the semester as space allows. Winter/Spring 2025 classes begin Monday, January 13th.
New STUDENTS : Call the office at 603-775-8457 or email us at exeteradulted@sau16.org, the end of August to set up a time to register for class.
Registration for FREE HISET classes are ongoing throughout the semester.
At Exeter Adult Education you can: Take math, writing, or reading HiSET preparation classes Take official HiSET practice tests Take official HiSET exam CALL Exeter Adult Education at (603) 775-8457 for more information.
For other New Hampshire High School Equivalency programs click here to visit: https://www.nhadulted.org/programs/hiset/testing-centers/
*Exeter Adult Education is a HISET testing center. For More information on the HISET exam, click here
* For more information on the most up to date available testing dates in NH follow this link: https://test-takers.psiexams.com/hisetnewhampshire
There are five subjects, with the following time limits:
*Writing—2 hours (this includes multiple-choice questions and an essay) *Math—90 minutes, calculator allowed for all parts *Science—80 minutes *Social Studies—70 minutes *Reading—65 minutes
Spanish and English versions are available; scores may be combined between the two.
On October 3, 2022 a new test registration process and the new myHiSET portal was launched on the PSI platform at https://hiset.org. Pre-registration is required for the Exam. Students can create a HiSET test taker account online at https://hiset.org. Students will need an Email address to create this account. Keep your username, password and HISET ID# written down for all testing . You need this number to schedule your testing sessions and to access your scores.
*HiSET Test fee – $125. (effective 1/1/2019)
*State-issued picture ID or passport required.
*Any person under age 18 who desires to take the test must obtain permission from their local school district prior to registering for the test. In addition, students under age 18 are required to pass an official practice test, available by appointment.
*Individuals must attend two days to complete full test battery.
Click here to view the HiSET Test Dates Availalble in New Hampshire
Please be advised that the New Hampshire GED or HiSET Certificate of High School Equivalency can be neither earned nor obtained via the Internet or through correspondence programs. The Tests of General Educational Development (GED Tests) or the HiSET require extensive preparation and the demonstration of a high level of high school knowledge and academic skills. The Tests are administered in New Hampshire only at Official Testing Centers under the direction of the New Hampshire Department of Education, Bureau of Adult Education. Any other high school equivalency certificate not issued by the New Hampshire Department of Education or another jurisdictional testing authority may be of dubious value and may not be accepted by employers, colleges and universities, or the military.
"While adult education provides so much more than just the high school equivalency, it is certainly a milestone to celebrate. Studies show that 47% of high school equivalency recipients go on to higher ed and have a 90% persistence rate. Adult ed learners have grit and determination. They are fighting for a better future for themselves and their families!"
Click on the link below for more information on similarities and differences between the GED and HiSET exam from the NH Bureau of Adult Education.
NH Adult Education High School Equivalency Information
HISET OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT REQUESTS If you have completed your HISET exam and require an official transcript for entrance into postsecondary education/training, the military or to get a job, please complete the form found at the link below and mail to the address on the form with the required $10.00 fee from the State of NH Dept. of Education . NH DOE Transcript Request Form